2020 - The most innovative agency
We build and activate brands through cultural insight, strategic vision, and the power of emotion across every element of its expression.
Jeśli wszystko wskazuje na to, że jesteś ofiarą oszustwa, a Twoje konta zostało „wyczyszczone” – odezwij się do nas.
Wypełnij formularz znajdujący się obok i przekaż nam podstawowe informacje o swoim problemie, a my bezpłatnie przyjrzymy się Twojemu przypadkowi i odezwiemy się do Ciebie. Nasza analiza nic nie kosztuje – jest w pełni darmowa.
Swoją sytuacją warto skonsultować z doświadczonymi specjalistami zajmującymi się tego rodzaju sprawami na co dzień. Rozwiejemy wątpliwości dotyczące Twojej sprawy i rzeczowo odpowiemy na nurtujące Cię pytania.
Możesz do nas napisać nawet wtedy, gdy w przeszłości próbowałeś już własnymi siłami odzyskać w banku swoje środki w drodze indywidualnie składanej reklamacji, co okazało się bezskuteczne, ponieważ została ona odrzucona i odmówiono zwrotu pieniędzy.
Istnieje duża szansa, że będziemy w stanie Ci pomóc odzyskać utracone pieniądze!
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880 912 870
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880 912 870
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Art Direction
Brand Strategy
Graphic Design
Print Design
Motion Graphics
As a leading digital agency in Paris, we look to engage with our clients beyond the conventional design and development agency relationship, becoming a partner to the people and companies we work with.
We create brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials that communicate clearly achieve marketing goals, and look fantastic. Urban design draws together the many strands of place-making, environmental stewardship, social equity and economic viability into the creation of places with distinct beauty and identity.
Polskie ustawodawstwo nie definiuje wprost pojęcia „nieautoryzowana transakcja płatnicza”.
Ustawa o usługach płatniczych w art. 40 ust. 1 określa jednak czym jest autoryzowana transakcja płatnicza - to taka, na wykonanie której płatnik wyraził zgodę „w sposób przewidziany w umowie między płatnikiem a jego dostawcą”. Nieautoryzowaną operacją będzie zatem każda, na którą płatnik nie wyraził zgody.
Zapamiętaj, że nieautoryzowana transakcja płatnicza to operacja:
w proces której ingeruje osoba trzecia,
na którą - jako płatnik - nie wyraziłeś zgody,
w razie zaistnienia której przysługują Ci określone uprawnienia.
Pamiętaj! Polskie prawo przewiduje, że na zgłoszenie przestępstwa dotyczącego nieautoryzowanych transakcji masz 13 miesięcy.
Jeżeli więc kiedyś padłeś ofiarą tego procederu, nie została ona natychmiast zgłoszona, a od sprawy minęło już kilka miesięcy to i tak nadal masz szansę na dochodzenie swoich praw.
Zgłoś się do nas, a my pomożemy Ci podjąć stosowne kroki, aby odzyskać Twoje pieniądze.
Pamiętaj, że po upływie tego terminu tracisz jakąkolwiek możliwości dochodzenia swoich praw.
As a leading digital agency in Paris, we look to engage with our clients beyond the conventional design and development agency relationship, becoming a partner to the people and companies we work with.
We create brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials that communicate clearly achieve marketing goals, and look fantastic. Urban design draws together the many strands of place-making, environmental stewardship.
We build and activate brands through cultural insight, strategic vision, and the power of emotion across every element of its expression.
Years of
We build and activate brands through cultural insight, strategic vision, and the power of emotion across every element of its expression.
We build and activate brands through cultural insight, strategic vision, and the power of emotion across every element of its expression.
We build and activate brands through cultural insight, strategic vision, and the power of emotion across every element of its expression.
We build and activate brands through cultural insight, strategic vision, and the power of emotion across every element of its expression.
We build and activate brands through cultural insight, strategic vision, and the power of emotion across every element of its expression.
As a leading digital agency in Paris, we look to engage with our clients beyond the conventional design and development agency relationship, becoming a partner to the people and companies we work with.
We create brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials that communicate clearly achieve marketing goals, and look fantastic. Urban design draws together the many strands of place-making, environmental stewardship.
We build and activate brands through cultural insight, strategic vision, and the power of emotion across every element of its expression.
x6 Site of the Day
x2 Site of the Week
x3 Honorable Mention
x6 Collection
We build and activate brands through cultural insight, strategic vision, and the power of emotion across every element of its expression.
Total Awards
Hub is a graphic and digital studio that designs and develops eCommerce websites, apps and tailor-made digital solutions.
Our design services starts and ends with a best-in-class experience strategy that builds brands.
Our design services starts and ends with a best-in-class experience strategy that builds brands.
Our design services starts and ends with a best-in-class experience strategy that builds brands.
Our design services starts and ends with a best-in-class experience strategy that builds brands.
Our design services starts and ends with a best-in-class experience strategy that builds brands.
Our design services starts and ends with a best-in-class experience strategy that builds brands.
Our design services starts and ends with a best-in-class experience strategy that builds brands.
Our design services starts and ends with a best-in-class experience strategy that builds brands.
Our design services starts and ends with a best-in-class experience strategy that builds brands.
Our design services starts and ends with a best-in-class experience strategy that builds brands.
Open an online store and become an international seller. Your customers will enjoy shopping online!
We craft premium digital work for web, mobile and experiential with creative agencies and global brands alike – putting passion, pride and plenty of elbow grease into everything we do.
We marry creative insight with data to deliver successful user experiences. Through a process of iteration and prototyping, we design interfaces that bring joy to people while allowing them to get things done.
Projects Completed
We provide digital experience services to startups and small businesses. We help our clients succeed by creating brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials. Install any demo, plugin or template in a matter of seconds.
We provide digital experience services to startups and small businesses. We help our clients succeed by creating brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials. Install any demo, plugin or template in a matter of seconds.
We provide digital experience services to startups and small businesses. We help our clients succeed by creating brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials. Install any demo, plugin or template in a matter of seconds.
We provide digital experience services to startups and small businesses. We help our clients succeed by creating brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials. Install any demo, plugin or template in a matter of seconds.
Through a deep understanding of our audience’s makeup and motivations, we design digital experiences that connect with people.
Through a deep understanding of our audience’s makeup and motivations, we design digital experiences that connect with people.
Through a deep understanding of our audience’s makeup and motivations, we design digital experiences that connect with people.
How it works
CSS Design Awards
How it works
We build and activate brands through cultural insight, strategic vision, and the power of emotion across every element.
I enjoy turning complex problems into simple solutions.
Creating brand identities, digital experiences, that communicate
Beautiful and intuitive interface designs for clients.
Creating brand identities, digital experiences, that communicate.
My aim is to bring across your message and identity.
Great work for clients with meaningful missions.
As a leading digital agency in Paris, we look to engage with our clients beyond the conventional design and development agency relationship, becoming a partner to the people and companies we work with.
We craft premium digital work for web, mobile and experiential with creative agencies and global brands alike – putting passion.
We craft premium digital work for web, mobile and experiential with creative agencies and global brands alike – putting passion.
We craft premium digital work for web, mobile and experiential with creative agencies and global brands alike – putting passion.
As a leading digital agency in Paris, we look to engage with our clients beyond the conventional design and development agency relationship, becoming a partner to the
We create brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials that communicate clearly achieve marketing goals, and look fantastic. Urban design
Hub is a thriving creative digital media & design agency based by the valley in San Francisco.
Focus and target your audience through the right channels.
Focus and target your audience through the right channels.
Focus and target your audience through the right channels.
Focus and target your audience through the right channels.
What we do
Through a deep understanding of our audience’s makeup and motivations, we design digital experiences that connect with people.
1 1
Tailor made digital products and creative solutions for small businesses and freelancers.
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Our web development starts and ends with a best-in-class experience strategy.
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We look to engage with our clients beyond the conventional design and agency relationship,
We believe that designing products and services in close partnership with our clients is the only way to have a real impact on their business.
Projects Completed
On Mobile Devices
Zoom Meetings
We help our clients succeed by creating brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials that communicate clearly, achieve marketing goals, and look fantastic.
We help our clients succeed by creating brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials that communicate clearly, achieve marketing goals, and look fantastic.
We help our clients succeed by creating brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials that communicate clearly, achieve marketing goals, and look fantastic.
We help our clients succeed by creating brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials that communicate clearly, achieve marketing goals, and look fantastic.
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